Sidney? The IIIrd?!
Hussein. That settles the issue. ‘Nuf said.
Well, I figured if a man’s middle name could be so informative regarding his true nature I thought I’d look up John McCain’s middle name to see what it could reveal about him.
What I found is that his full name is John Sidney McCain III.
Sidney. That’s probably not too well known a snippet of information. Certainly not as well known as Barack Obama’s middle name. I mean, when I was a kid most Sidneys I knew ended being playthings for bullies or playground fodder. I mean, take a look at poor old Philip Sidney. What do you think would happen to him if he dropped into the local Teamsters bar looking for directions?
Now, do you really want a guy with a name like Sidney answering that phone at three in the morning? I thought not.
And what’s that IIIrd all about? I mean, who’s the elitist here? The only people I’ve ever known who had numerals after their names either had unimaginative, lazy parents or were elitist wannabes. E.g. Thurston Howell III of Gilligan’s Island.
Of course, all talk about Obama’s elitism is a smokescreen for the real issue. It’s merely Republican code for “uppity”. GOP criticism of Barack Obama amounts to nothing more than the racist distrust of an “uppity” nigra.
Now, do you really believe that John Sidney McCain III is an elitist wannabe with a name that guarantees he’ll be beat up in the playground of international affairs?
I thought not.
Because a person’s name says little about who he is.
So drop the “Hussein” issue. It means absolutely nothing at all.
Even Sidney knows this.