Le Boulevardier

Ah, what a pleasant surprise! How long has it been? Please, asseyez-vous, as they say. What brings you to the boulevard, aside from the pleasant weather? You must tell me all about what you've seen and heard.

My Photo
Location: Along the boulevard of earthly delights, France

A gentleman of leisurely pursuits lounging beside the boulevard of life, lost in his own reveries and observing others pursue their dreams or flee their nightmares.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Autumn has come yet once again.

Beyond my garden window I glimpse in a moment
The flash of many wings among the stand of trees beyond.

I slowly turn my head to gaze upon a flight of doves, perhaps,
And see that the flashes are but leaves, shuddering downward
In their multitudes, from the many branches to the ground below.

And there they lie upon the grass, in slumber,
Awaiting the comfort of Winter's blanket,
And the long, peaceful stillness at the last.

Seeing this I know that there will come a time
When I will miss such a sight as this.

Perhaps in my own still and silent moment, looking back,
I will glimpse for a moment
the flash of many wings that are but leaves;

And recall it, if for but an instant,

As I lie still upon the ground, awaiting slumber,
And the peaceful gift that Winter brings.


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